How I Show Up In The World – Level 2 Reading

You will receive a video reading of the following aspect of your chart:

    • Signature: Your Signature is the key indicator that you’re living in alignment with your true self, reflecting a deep sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.
    • Not-Self: Your Not-Self theme reveals the emotional state that arises when you’re out of alignment with your true nature, serving as a signal to reassess and realign your actions.
    • Defined Centers: These are areas where you have consistent and reliable energy, providing strength and stability in your actions and interactions.
    • Undefined Centers: These are areas where you are open to external influences, offering potential for flexibility and adaptability, but also where you might take on conditioning from others.

You receive a personalized workbook and video recording with this reading.

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How I Show Up In The World – Level 2 Reading

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